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The Outdoor Psychologist

Prague & Beroun

Lic. Matej Hochel, Ph.D.

I have been involved in coaching, counselling and other forms of psychological support to individuals for more than 10 years.
Besides working indoors and online,
I specialize in working in outdoor environments.

Why outdoors?

Nature-based therapy and coaching is an emerging approach that has many benefits.

Growing research indicates that simply being in the presence of nature has positive effects on our physiological and psychological well-being.

We are not "talking heads". Human feelings are closely linked to our physical bodies. Being able to move around during a session enables many clients to better process feelings and gain new insight with more ease.

Nature itself can be a source of inspiration and it also abounds with opportunities to apply a variety of techniques more easily than when working indoors.

photo of man surrounded by trees
photo of man surrounded by trees

What can I do for you?

Counselling and therapy

I see myself as a guide who supports others to explore and better understand their inner landscape, to cope with difficult life situations and improve inner balance. I work with themes such as relationship issues, personal crises, anxieties and stress-related problems. My work is mostly inspired by process-oriented psychology, and also the emerging field of ecopsychology and outdoor therapy.

Coaching and life-coaching

My coaching practice started in 2008, after I completed my ICF-certified coaching training with MUDr. Mgr. Radvan Bahbouh, Ph.D. People most often seek me to work on their their personal vision at work or life in general, or to better manage stress coming from the pressures at work.

Walk & Talk Outdoors

My passion for both psychology nd for wandering in nature have led me to a explore the possibilities of working outdoors. If you prefer to be outdoors and walk rather than having a traditional "sitting session", I will be happy to invite you to a session in the forests neerby Prague or Beroun.

Want to meet online?

I have been involved in online counselling for more then 8 years, so working online is not a problem and I am aware of the benefits (but also some limitations). If you are hesitant about having coaching or therapy online, but unable to have a live session, you can book a 20 minutes free online consultation with me to see how it works for you. I am available through MS Teams or Zoom.

My background


PhD. in cognitive psychology and neuroscience (2008, University of Granada, Spain)

Master's degree in psychology (2003, University of Granada, Spain)

Certified Practitioner of Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapy (Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy, INSTEP, Prague, 2024)

ICF certified training in coaching (2009)

Foundation training in Process-oriented therapy (2012-2014)

Diploma training in Process-oriented therapy / completed Phase I. (2014-2016)

I keep attending seminars, reading relevant literature and meeting colleagues from the field to update and improve my professional skills and knowledge. I have regular supervision with my mentor.

Proffessional history

(2014 - ...) Private Practice in Counselling and psychotherapy

(2014 - ...) MindArt - lecturer, facilitator and coach (own company)

(2015-2017) University of Economics - lecturer (Psychology of leadership)

(2013 – 2014) Assessment Systems – Senior Manager, coach

(2011 – 2013) Raiffeisenbank a.s. – Talent Management Senior Specialist, coach and trainer

(2008 – 2011) QED GROUP a.s. – consultant, coach and trainer

Frequently asked questions

I adhere to the code of ethics of my profession. I approach every client and every topic with utmost care and respect, appreciating the uniqueness of each individual. If I feel I am not able to help, I will communicate it openly and help you find a more experienced professional. All information exchanged between us is confidential by default, except in cases where I am obliged by law to report a criminal offense or when there is a situation that could threaten physical and/or psychological integrity of persons involved.

How often should we meet? For how long?

The frequency of meetings can vary, depending on your individual needs and possibilities. Typically the sessions tend to be more frequent in the beginning (every week) and as you make progress we will meet less often. The total number of meetings is hard to establish a priori and it will vary depending on the nature of your topic. In any case, my philosophy is to empower the client to find her own way to a solution as soon as possible. In some (rare) cases even a single session can be sufficient. If a client does not need her psychologist or coach anymore, that in my opinion is a sign of success and the good work they have done together.

What can I expect from our first meeting?

The first meeting is an opportunity to get to know each other. If coaching or therapy is to be successful, it is essential that both the client and the psychologist feel that they can work together productively. I will be interested in hearing out your story and will be happy to answer your questions and clarify expectations. If for any reason you find out that you do not want to work with me, I will be happy to recommend a trusted colleague who might suit your needs better. I will only charge you for the first session if you decide to come back. If you do not, it is free.

I am interested in working outdoors. How does it work?
My cancellation policy

Working outdoors is not suitable for all clients and topics, so we will always meet indoors or online to discuss your expectations. Compared to traditional indoor sessions, my outdoor sessions tend to be longer (from 2-3 hours up to a full day trip) but less frequent. You can also benefit from a one-off outdoor session; for instance, when you want to take a full day to work intensly on a clearly defined topic.

If you cancel your session with me 3 or more working days in advance, you will not be charged. If a session is cancelled on shorter notice, I charge a full fee. Cancellations need to be communicated via email or by phone / text message. This policy is aimed to protect the organization of my working hours and helps me to cover the costs incurred such as rental costs of my premises. However, if the cancellation is due to force majeure, such as an accident, sudden incpacitating health issue, etc., I will not invoice you even in case of last minute cancellation.

What are the fees for my services?

Standard fee for 1 hour session in Prague is 1500 CZK and in Beroun 1200 CZK.

A fair fee option: Price is relative depending on who is paying. The same price can be out of reach for some but also quite low for others who are more fortunate economically. If you are less financially fortunate and the standard fee exceeds your current possibilities, I offer my clients a sliding fee option, so feel free to ask for a lower fee which you consider fair given your situation. Please, consider if your situation allows you to pay more to support my work with financially less fortunate clients. (See above.)

Get in touch

Tel:- +420 733 391 274
Email: matej@hochel.cz

Office Prague

Radlická 505/58, Praha-Smíchov

Office Beroun

Husovo náměstí 42/29, Beroun

Bank account: 302570711/0300
IBAN: CZ1203000000000302570711